Pedophiles Now Officially Part Of The LGBT Movement

AFRICANGLOBE – For years now, we’ve been telling you that eventually the ever-growing alphabet soup that is the LGBTQ Movement would, at some point, have to add a ‘P’ to their acronym. The letter ‘P’ of course standing for pedophile. Why is this inevitable? Because of their motto, ‘all love is love‘. Logical thinking people say otherwise.
Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to gain acceptance and be included into the LGBT community.
The blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), pedophiles (pre-pubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children). Some MAPs also refer to themselves as NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons”.
These pedophiles seek to be a part of the LGBT+ community, even going so far as to make a “Pride” flag for Gay Pride Month.
The “MAP/NOMAP community” tries to pull at people’s heartstrings by claiming that pedophiles are misunderstood marginalized people, and that as long as their attraction to children is not acted upon — or in some cases when they get permission from the child — that they should not be villainized.
Sites such as “The Prevention Project” claim to be aimed at helping children, posting quotes like the one below, reminiscent of testimonials of struggling gay youth, under headlines like “everyone needs support”.
Many blogs exist on Tumblr showing support for MAPs, claiming that they should be a part of the LGBT community and attempting to create “safe spaces” for these “minor attracted persons”. The blog “Pedophiles about Pedophilia” also presents many sob stories of “marginalized” pedophiles in pretty pastel colors, claiming that they mean no harm and just want to be loved like everyone else as shown in such headlines as “Why Pedophilia And Pedophiles Are Not A Risk To Children”, “Growing Up A Pedophile” and “How I came out as an anti-contact pedophile to the woman I love”.
This name change seems to follow in the liberal trend of rebranding things by giving them more “politically correct” names, but is the next step really normalizing pedophilia?
Once upon a time, men who wanted to dress up as women were treated rightfully as someone who had either an extreme fetish or mental illness. It was not presented as something that was anything remotely close to normal. The character of Klinger from the 1970’s M*A*S*H television show kept trying to be discharged from the army on a Section 8, which is a discharge related to mental illness. How did he angle that? By dressing up in women’s clothing.
Flash forward to 2020 where the United States Military is paying for transsexuals to have ‘gender switching’ surgery, courtesy of the American taxpayer. For those of you not paying attention to the world around you, that is an unprecedented paradigm shift. What was deemed a mental illness just one generation ago has somehow become a ‘protected right’.
In Canada right now, with the passage of Bill C-16, jail time awaits for anyone who intentionally calls a trans person by the wrong pronoun.
It’s not an accident or coincidence that the Catholic Church is in the process of bringing the LGBTQ in. The modern-day history of the Catholic Church is one of institutionalized pedophila, and spending millions to keep it quiet. So is it any wonder that they are in the process of welcoming the LGBTQ, and soon the P, into the Catholic Church? All part of a sinister plan that is aimed at world domination and keeping humanity divided and dysfunctional.
FROM THE US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: Effective immediately, transgender Service members may serve openly, and they can no longer be discharged or otherwise separated from the military solely for being transgender individuals. READ MORE
If society doesn’t collapse soon, and barring serious illness or accident, you will live to see the day where pedophiles become a protected class of people with their own special pronoun. And if you dare call them by the wrong name or dare to say what they are doing is wrong, you will be the one who will be punished. I believe with all my heart that if Hillary Clinton had won the election, pedophiles would already be included in the LGBTQ.
Don’t think it can happen, you say? We will never fall that far, you say? Open your eyes, we are already there. No bible is going to save us. We have to save ourselves. You’ve been warned.
By: Jessica Jenkins
Pedophiles Now Officially Part Of The LGBT Movement